Home CALENDAR Celebrity Banquet & Concert


Celebrities For a Cause


Riley Arena
Riley Arena | 1400 Heart Mountain Street


Jun 30 2023


6:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Celebrity Banquet & Concert

Celebrities for a Cause is excited to announce that Next Years event will be June 29- July 1,2023. All proceeds next year will go to Wyoming Special Olympics.

June 29th: Celebrities night at the Rodeo

June 30th:  Celebrity Golf tournament

Olive Glenn Golf Course 12pm-5pm

June 30th Banquet Dinner at the Riley Arena

6:30pm-11pm Silent and Live Auction Items, Special Guest Speakers. Key Note Speaker will be Colonel Craig Flowers. Concert following the Dinner.

There will be food, drinks, music, raffles silent and live auctions, and guest speakers. Cost is $60 per person, $100 per couple, or $400 for a table of 8. Price includes all your food and all your drinks throughout the evening. All proceeds from the dinner will go to Special Olympics of Park County and Special Olympics of Wyoming.

Also, UFC Hall of Famer Dan Severn and Vision Quest actor Frank Jasper will be presenting Northwest College Wrestlers Kendell Cummings and Brady Lowry with the Triton Tough award.

Kendell and Brady survived a grizzly bear attack this last fall while horn hunting just outside of Cody.

July 1st Celebrities Charity Basketball Game

at the Cabre gym at NWC.
Game will feature a team of Celebs coached by former Kansas Jayhawk, NBA Bigman, and Survivor Contestant Scot Pollard and former Kansas Jayhawk Alonzo Jamison. They will take on Team WYO, which will be made up of current and former Wyoming Cowboys and Cowgirls. Adam Waddell, Tommi Olson, Luke and Kayla Martinez have all committed to being on team WYO so far.

Be on the lookout for more announced stars that will be coming to Cody to raise money for Wyoming Special Olympics.

Cody Calendar advertisers make this calendar possible.


The event is finished.